Freelance photographer

Hai semua! I'm Azfar Afham, a freelance photographer based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. While I work in the corporate world full-time, photography is my side gig and a project that I'm truly passionate about.

Initially, photography was a hobby that stemmed from my desire to capture special moments using a camera. During that time, photographers were often regarded as cool and likeable individuals. Although I didn't start with a DSLR camera during my high school years, I got my first taste of photography in university when I joined clubs like the editorial board and photography clubs. Despite pursuing a psychology degree instead of a visual arts degree, I acquired my photography knowledge through trial and error, connecting with other photography enthusiasts, exploring social media platforms, and learning from YouTube tutorials. As such, I can proudly say that I am a self-taught photographer without formal training.

During my time in university, I ventured into event and journalism photography as a result of my involvement in these clubs, which produced magazines for the university community. Initially, I relied on a point-and-shoot approach, with limited prior knowledge. However, with each photoshoot I undertook, I gained valuable experience and expanded my understanding of photography. What started as a hobby gradually transformed into a deep passion. The exhilaration and happiness I felt from exploring new skills and somewhat "competing" with other photographers were indescribable.

What is photography to me?

Photography holds diverse meanings for different individuals, as each person's unique style and approach contribute to their individual perspective. While some may perceive photography as a simple activity of pointing the camera and clicking the shutter, I believe it encompasses far more than that. It is an art form that enables personal expression and storytelling through a variety of styles and techniques.

For me, photography serves as both a coping mechanism and a form of exercise for my mental well-being. Engaging in street photography, wandering around capturing moments, helps me regulate my emotions through movement. By immersing myself in the present moment and focusing on capturing a single photo, I find solace and temporary respite from life's stressors. This process brings me immense joy and fulfilment.

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