Pagi Semua,

Welcome to my website. I document my adventure through photographs which I capture using my Canon EOS 700D and Fujifilm X-T3.

Prakash & Chui Ki

Prakash & Chui Ki

I received a special request from Prakash and Chui Ki to capture photographs during their wedding reception, scheduled for April 1st, 2023. It was an incredible honor for me, albeit accompanied by some apprehension, as it had been quite some time since my last wedding photography session.

However, any worries I had vanished on the day of the event. Witnessing the joyful expressions on the faces of the bride and groom, as they celebrated their special day surrounded by their beloved family and friends, filled me with joy. While Chui Ki seemed at ease, Prakash displayed a mix of nerves and excitement before the festivities began. Fortunately, everything went smoothly, and everyone enjoyed the delightful music and delectable food.

I extend my heartfelt wishes to Prakash and Chui Ki for a lifetime filled with happiness, love, gratitude, and laughter. May their journey together be blessed with endless joy and cherished moments.

Nihon Matsuri 2022

Nihon Matsuri 2022